Le infezioni delle vie respiratorie sono causa importante di morbilità e mortalità in pazienti con fibrosi cistica (FC). Lo Staphylococcus aureus rappresenta uno dei più importanti patogeni polmonari e l’antibiotico-resistenza è estremamente diffusa in questa specie microbica (si veda il ceppo MRSA). Obiettivo di questo progetto è la progettazione di nuove molecole attive nei confronti di Stafilococco antibiotico-resistente, sulla base dei risultati già ottenuti (Progetto FFC #11/2011), con valutazione in vitro dell’attività antibatterica e sviluppo di nuovi sistemi di drug delivery (erogazione del farmaco), in cui il farmaco è incapsulato in piccolissime particelle (nanoparticelle) somministrabili per via aerosolica. La somministrazione intrapolmonare, con valutazione della distribuzione del farmaco e della sua sicurezza, sarà valutata in vivo su modelli animali.
Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important pulmonary pathogens and antibiotic-resistance is extremely common particularly in strains isolated from CF patients, as a result of the frequent antibiotic therapies. The present research program has the objective to optimize new antibacterial agents active against MRSA, determine their in vitro antibacterial activity and develop novel drug delivery systems for their intrapulmonary administration, evaluating in vivo their biodistribution and safety. New optimized antibacterial previous results (FFC#11/2011). Staphylococcal bacterial strains isolated from CF patients will be characterized and used to evaluate in vitro the cytoxicity and antibacterial activity of the new agents. New drug delivery based on nanoparticles will be developed and tested on animal models. Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important pulmonary pathogens and antibiotic-resistance is extremely common particularly in strains isolated from CF patients, as a result of the frequent antibiotic therapies. The present research program has the objective to optimize new antibacterial agents active against MRSA, determine their in vitro antibacterial activity and develop novel drug delivery systems for their intrapulmonary administration, evaluating in vivo their biodistribution and safety. New optimized antibacterial drugs will be designed on the basis of previous results (Proj. FFC#11/2011). Staphylococcal bacterial strains isolated from CF patients will be characterized and used to evaluate in vitro the cytoxicity and antibacterial activity of the new agents. New drug delivery based on nanoparticles will be developed and tested on animal models.