Sono stati pubblicati oggi sul sito FFC bando e forms per la presentazione di progetti di ricerca sulla fibrosi cistica. La presentazione delle domande scadrà improrogabilmente il 15 febbraio 2016. Di seguito le aree di priorità indicate:
1. Pathophysiology of the basic defect in cystic fibrosis and pharmacological approaches designed to correct defective CFTR or to compensate for its deficient function.
2. Identification and validation of new and appropriate in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo assays to predict and monitor the potential efficacy of new therapies finalized to correct the CFTR defect.
3. Development of new animal models to investigate CF pathophysiology and therapy.
4. Infections in CF: pathogenetic mechanisms and development of innovative diagnostic and antimicrobial strategies.
5. Lung inflammation in CF: innovative strategies to reduce the inflammation-based pathology in CF and CF animal models.
6. Clinical application in CF prevention, diagnosis, therapy, care and health organization: clinical trials, epidemiological studies and systematic reviews.
Avranno preminente considerazione progetti di ricerca clinica e progetti di ricerca di base con forte connotazione traslazionale.